Trinity Church's Christmas Event - 7/12/24

Published on 7 December 2024 at 13:18

Today, I went to Trinity Methodist Church's Christmas event in Ellesmere Port where I was greeted by kind residents of our area who ran stalls voluntarily to raise money for Trinity.

What local residents told us:

"The atmosphere was inviting, decorated with Christmas decorations. The volunteers had the ability to cheer you up"

"Nothing that they can improve on, I found the event extremely brilliant. The only thing I'd say is that it's a shame it's on a Saturday."

"Wow, I have enjoyed the event so far. Very well organised and a lot of effort has clearly been put into it. A mix of ages would be better for next time as right now we only have elderly."

All About The Church

We were told that the church has the benefit of worship and hospitality offering a place of welcome to all people, no matter what age, nationality, etc.

Trinity Church is ran by volunteers who work hard to make sure everybody is happy and that their needs are fulfilled.

As well as the church, the 'Daily Bread Café' is also located here with opening times of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am-1:00pm.

Tuesdays is when they have Art Classes and the Food Bank is Monday and Thursday.

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